Personal Loans
When you come across an opportunity, seize it! When you have an unexpected expense, cover it! Or consolidate those high-rate debts. You can do it all with a personal loan that’s fast, easy, and affordable.
You-Name-It Loan
What do you need? You name it, it can probably be financed with a personal loan.
- Apply in 3 easy steps
- Electronic signing of loan documents available
- Competitive interest rate
- Several options to make your loan payments: in-person, online or mobile banking, automatic payment transfers, and more
- We make it easy to keep track of your loans with the Rename option in 1st CCU Anywhere Online and Mobile Banking
How To Name Your Loan
- Organize your loans! It's quick and easy to assign a name to your loan in 1st CCU Anywhere.
- After receiving your loan, log into 1st CCU Anywhere.
- Find the loan on your dashboard and tap or click to open.
- Select 'Settings'.
- At the top right, select 'Rename'.
- Assign a nickname to the loan.
- Click the 'Save' button.
Share Certificate Secured
It’s like lending money to yourself. When you have funds invested in a term certificate but you need to cover an expense, consider a Share Certificate Secured loan.
- Lower rate than other personal loans
- Your certificate continues to earn dividends
- Some restrictions apply, contact 1st CCU for full details
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